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Finding Time For Self Care

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

After years of being in the beauty industry I have learned the importance of self care. However, my endless to do list can sometimes get in the way of it all. As mother I've conquered the art of multitasking. This means that while i'm serving breakfast in the morning I might have a hydrating mask on , or a purifying mask while reading a bedtime story.

My beauty rituals vary but I‘m always doing things for myself while doing things for others simultaneously. In the mornings when my husband has left for work I try to get up a little earlier than my son and meditate or even get a little workout in before the daily chaos. I’ll also stay up a little later to have some calming tea.  I’ll then also get a few extra steps in my skin care ritual, while even getting in a few sit ups before bed.

image via: pinterest

As a mother and a wife it’s easy to feel guilty for taking time to myself. However, I’ve realized that my loved ones appreciate me and they do better when I feel better. Especially during these times of uncertainty it’s important to disconnect and practice mindfulness.

What are your favorite ways to incorporate self care to your day? Any tricks? Please share! I would love to know yours and together build an arsenal we can all benefit from. That way we can all be better to ourselves and this world.



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