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Health and Beauty Resolutions 2021

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

I know it’s already February, but I still have a big chunk of 2021 to create a better healthier me. To be honest I wasn’t ready to write out resolutions on January first. On the contrary, I was just exhausted and ready to move on. As I went back to my day to day life, I became aware of what habits I wanted to change and what new habits I needed to pick up. A New year is an opportunity to change perspectives and add new goals to life. In order to stick to our new year resolutions it is essential we set up a plan. My strategy is to set up categories, and plan with intention. Health and beauty is a category I’ve always had experience with and is a big part of my career. However, after living through a year like 2020 my outlook on the subject has changed. I am convinced that what we do everyday affects us all as a whole. Here are my five new years resolutions, I wanted to share with you in hopes of accountability and inspiration. My hope is to not only impact my life positively , but to add my grain of sand with love and care to our world.

Making the Switch to More Ethical, Sustainable, Clean Products -

Clean products was honestly not a category that worried about pre-pandemic. Was I interested? Yeah, However it wasn’t a make or break. I definitely don’t take my health for granted now a days. I now wonder how big of an impact these products have in my health and world. I’m also concerned on how these products are sourced and the impact they have in our environments, and society. These are topics I still have so much to learn about and by no means an expert... yet! That’s one of my goals for 2021, to keep learning and get the knowledge I need to support businesses and products that are making the proper changes we need for a better tomorro.

Hair Care-

I'm really working on getting my hair to grow long and healthy . I must confess that in the past the most I've invested on my locks was on a great hairstylist. Then after leaving the salon all I worried about was heat styling my hair, and washing it every day to make it look nice. You can only imagine that my hair was not having it. My hair felt and got dry and brittle. I then realized that I have never thought twice when purchasing skin care or make up, but when it came to my hair it was a different story. I never invested on good haircare until now. I have now been working on investing on treatments and better quality shampoos and conditioners in hopes of healthier, longer hair. I also started using hair vitamins and already notice a difference!

Vitamins and supplements-

Supplements and vitamins are new to me. I have taken vitamins here and there, but never really understood what my body needed. My sister is a health freak and always has a ton of bottles in her pantry. I decided to pick her brain for information. I’m currently taking vitamin C, D, Zinc, calcium, and magnesium. These all help with your immune system and skin. Im also taking a few hair and skin vitamins in gummy form so they are easier to take during the day. I have also added collagen powder to my smoothies in the morning. It all sounds like a lot of work but they are simple add ons that will improve you not only from the outside but within.

Image via: Pinterest

More H20! -

Drinking more water is probably the most challenging goal on this list. It’s just so hard to keep drinking the amounts of water necessary under a busy schedule. What I’ve done is replacing my usual soda or wine for a refreshing glass of water during my meals. I’ve also started carrying a hydro flask with me which reminds me to contantly take zips throughout my day.

Image via: Pinterest

Be consistent with working out-

I've been consistent with my workout routine for my whole life. Before having Oliver or getting married I worked out all the time. Like literally all day non- stop sometimes. The reason I did that is hecause I had the whole day to myself. I had no other responsibility but to workout. I now try to get up first thing in the morning to get some physical activity. That’s the only way I’ll get a workout in. I sometimes try to do one at night and it never happens and its just so much harder. The goal now is to get up early enough to workout in the morning and get it out of the way. I know once I'm in the right headspace I will make it happen. The most important part in is to avoid distractions and excuses! Wish me luck.

There is no question this world has been a little crazy lately. We all have so much to worry about, so it’s important we take time for ourselves. When you continue to move forward and evolve for the better you become resilient and more prepared for any challenges ahead. Now we have eleven and a half months to become the person we want to become for our loved ones and this new world. So Let's Get to it!



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